About Us

Hello Friends! 

Thank you for your interest in my yarns and fibers. My name is Rachel Moberg. I was born and raised in central Texas. I live with my family on a small farm where I have a small flock of Angora goats which provide the mohair fibers that I sell here. I have been involved in fiber crafts for over 30 years. What began as a simple introduction to a drop spindle as a little girl, then turned into a love for weaving and knitting. I have won numerous spinning awards at the Taos Wool festival and I also won the Complex Weavers award for one of my drawloom pieces.

Several years ago, with a desire to be able to support myself with my crafts, I took dyeing lessons and began the fun adventure of putting my color inspirations onto yarns and fibers for everyone to enjoy and incorporate into their own unique designs. I love hearing from customers and seeing what you all create with my fibers.